


Liposuction is a safe procedure that surgically removes fat that cannot be reduced with exercise or dieting. There is some confusion about liposuction, since the procedure is not intended for weight loss. In this procedure, a cannula is inserted through small wounds to remove fat and tone up areas such as the abdomen, back, thighs, arms and neck.

A lot of misinformation is available, and oftentimes patients who search for information on liposuction tend to be scared. It is important to let Dr. Ayuzo explain the whole procedure.


Fat is removed and areas of the abdomen, back, arms and thighs are defined.

Who is it for?

Patients who receive the best results are those who don’t expect to lose weight, but tone up areas where fat deposits have accumulated and don’t go away with dieting and exercising.


Recovery time varies depending on the treated areas and removed fat volume. Typical recovery time is one to two weeks.

Side effects

Temporal numbness in treated areas and bruises that quickly go away.

Where is it performed?

This procedure takes about two hours, depending on the treated areas; it is ambulatory, and the patient can go home the same day.