Buttock augmentation

Gluteal augmentation, gluteal fat transfer


Buttock augmentation is accomplished in two ways – either with gluteal implants or the more natural way, which is a transfer of one’s body fat. This fat is obtained through an abdominal liposuction, which brings double benefits: abdominal reduction and gluteal augmentation.

Who is it for?

People who want to aesthetically improve the volume of their buttocks and who have been unable to accomplish it with exercise.


Patients are highly satisfied thanks to the new appearance and firmness of that area.


If done using one’s own fat, the possibility of rejection or allergy is nonexistent.


If done with implants, only one surgery is required because liposuction is not needed.


Patients who want to undergo a buttock augmentation should consider that rest is of top priority for this procedure and 15 days of home rest is required.

Side effects

As in every surgery, there may be bleeding, infection, bruising or swelling, as well as discomfort after the procedure and because of the stitches.


In some cases, the transferred fat might be reabsorbed. If done with implants, there is a chance of rejection for some patients.

Where is it performed?

The procedure is ambulatory.